West Lost Trail
- Stream/Creek, High Mountain
- Location: West Lost Trail
- Elevation: 10400-12500
- Restrictions: Must have Colorado Fishing License to fish.
- Seasonal Accessibility: Late Spring/Summer/Fall
- Access: HorseBack, Hike, Mountain Bike, Motorcycle/Dirtbike
- Driving Directions: Directions from Creede, CO. Travel west on State Hwy 149 for 19 miles. Turn left and travel west 17 miles on Forest Road 520. Park at the Lost Trail trailhead.
- Hiking Directions: Travel up Lost Trail #821 for 2 miles. The West Lost trail starts here, follows the west fork of the creek, and ends at the Continental Divide. The West Lost Trail is 7.0 miles long.
- Forest Service Info:: https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/riogrande/recreation/fishing/recarea/?recid=29258&actid=43
Good fishing is possible in the lower 4 miles of West Lost Creek trail. Beautiful views of Pole Mountain, and vast panoramic views are possible once a hiker begins approaching the Continental Divide. This trail provides the shortest access to Cataract Lake from the Rio Grande River drainage. Occasionally bighorn sheep can be seen along the rugged ridges of Pole Mountain.
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